Class Notes: 2022-2023
Earth Day
In recognition of Earth Day, the Sunday April 23rd liturgy incorporated symbolic gifts of the earth at the Presentation of Gifts. These were brought forward by the Christian Formation students, while excerpts from Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato si/On Care for our Common Home were read. Following Mass, Fr. Hugh blessed eco-friendly modes of transportation. In attendance were 6 cars, 2 bikes, and a small crowd of walkers.

Easter Baskets for Hope Center

​Our PreK/K/1st Graders have been busy growing, learning, and practicing our Catholic faith during this Lenten Season. We are so grateful and thankful for the outside toys bubbles, sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, and footballs donations that were collected. The children organized and helped stuff some gift bags for other kids who are in need. The bags were dropped off at the Hope Center in Waukesha. The Hope Center has visited St. Therese in the past for Sharing Sunday and were happy to accept the gift bags as they were also assembling Easter baskets for the children they help. This is the second project this year that our youngest parishioners have planned, organized, and acted on. Around Thanksgiving 2022, this class also donated some food to a local pantry. They are such good examples of "Helping Thy Neighbor". Their ideas of sharing, caring, and kindness is something we should all be inspired by.

Children's Liturgy of the Word
The children who attended Children’s Liturgy of the Word talked about rules and how they are necessary. They made a spinner with the 10 Commandments simplified for children-words to help remember the rules God gave us. God, God’s Name, God’s Day, Parents, Fighting, Promises, Stealing, Lying, Jealousy, and “Stuff.” We also spoke about how the Old Testament 10 Commandments fit with the two New Testament Commandments from Jesus.

Learning About Lent
The younger students in Christian Formation assembled crowns with 40 “jewel” stickers for each day of Lenten good deeds. Some other students received a Lenten calendar with reflections or activities. Older students and adults have appropriate reflection, meditation/action booklets to guide them on these 40 days, starting with Ash Wednesday.

Children's Liturgy of the Word
CLOW for the third Sunday of ordinary time was about the invitation by Jesus to 4 fisherman to come and become fishers of men. The children practiced saying “I follow Jesus” and shared ways to show that. They also took turns to “fish” and put their catch in a net. The inside will hold names of those they will tell and show they follow Jesus, as we are all disciples. The Christian Formation classes that follow the Sunday liturgy further explain and connect the gospel to their lives.

Jesus is the Best Gift
The Christian Formation classes observed Advent through classroom posters, their personal duplicate of the poster, the Advent Wreath and the gospels of those 4 Sundays. The church year has begun.

PreSchool/GrK-1 Class Update
We have challenged our youngest learners to 100 Acts of Kindness by the end of the year! Jesus teaches us Kindness. Our parents and family teach us Kindness. How many times a day do you show Kindness? There is no doubt that our St. Therese kids can meet this challenge. We are off to a great start!

Mini-Food Drive
In Preschool/GrK-1 we recently talked about a Gospel reading where a man had no food, no home, and sores on his legs that dogs would lick. How can we help someone in need? We could give them food! The answer doesn't have to be so complicated. And just like that, we had each donated some food items to make a meal for a family.

October - Month of the Rosary
October is the month of the rosary, which uses repetitive prayers as one fingers the beads of the rosary. A prayer corner in the church allows an opportunity to petition Mary or pray the rosary. Other parishioners have loaned their representations of the Holy Mother. The rosary (One Nation Under God) is prayed after the liturgy during the third weekend of the month.

Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word for Sunday’s 9:00 mass has resumed for the second and fourth Sunday of each month. A recent lesson included finding of lost coins, the reading of the gospel, and a Chutes and Ladder game that involved good and bad choices. The children return to Mass at the start of the Liturgy of the Eucharist – the Offertory.

Remembrance Stone
A remembrance stone/plaque has been placed in the garden near the Bluemound entrance for our Catechists. These adjectives are just a few of those we think of when remembering those who shared their faith at St. Therese.