Class Notes: 2021-2022
Perennials are Growing!
Plantings of perennials have appeared! These spring violets and summer daisies were planted near the Bluemound entrance last year to commemorate two St. Therese catechists who ministered to our children for years. Barbara Holmes and Anne Nee were visible faith sharers who have gone to their eternal reward that the Christian Formation Committee wanted to remember.

Circle of Grace
Safe Environment Week in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is from April 24th through the 30th. St. Therese started on Sunday, April 24th with lessons from the program, Circle of Grace. The preschool through grade 8 students had these age appropriate lessons.(High school students had their lesson in January.) The parishioners also heard the proclamation and said the prayer at the liturgies. The bulletin contained extra information as well. We are grateful to all who assisted with this important lesson.

Bike Blessing!
The Earth Ministry has always provided information in the bulletin for St. Therese parishioners to celebrate Earth Day all year long. After the 9:00 liturgy on Sunday, April 24th, bicycles, eco-friendly vehicles, and church pedestrians were blessed by Fr. Hugh. With a bicycle rack now available, we hope to see some two wheelers and their owners at church.

A Crucifix in Every Home
Fr. Joe Koyickal was gifted with multiple hand crafted crucifixes from The Free Crucifix Ministry, whose mission is "A Crucifix in Every Home." They were blessed the first week of Lent. Families were encouraged to take one in order to have a crucifix displayed in every home. This is a visual reminder of God’s gift of salvation and to pray, especially during Lent.

The Beatitudes
To become involved in understanding the perspective of people hearing the beatitudes, the seventh and eight grade class played a game in their Pflaum Gospel Weekly. Then recognizing blessings evolved into being a blessing for others.

Names of the 12 Apostles
The seventh and eighth graders explored Jesus calling James, John, and Simon to be his disciples. This handout helped in remembering all 12 of His apostles by using the word BAPTISM to help in with the recall. (Substituting J names for I). A quiz the following week resulted in a confident listing by the students who received the handout.

The Advent Wreath
The Advent Wreath is a tradition for prayer and preparing ourselves for Jesus’ coming. At the 9:00 liturgy, the candles in church are being lit each week by our groups of Christian Formation classes. After the liturgy, the children continue their preparation and understanding of Advent with their catechist and aide in the classroom.